Friday 6 February 2009

The unusual day...

Unlike any other new year.....

Have heard people quoting that what you would be doing at the new yrs eve or at the mid night hour would precisely be what you would be doing for whole of the year.

I hope those who said it didn’t mean much of it but only as a joke.
Because if it is so I am now entitled with the responsibility of taking the charge and prove it wrong.

I was precisely looking forward to be with the people I wanted to be with and to feel the way I wanted to feel.
But what actually happened was I spent my time with the people I was meant to be with but did what I was surely not meant to do.

Probably it was the very time in my life that I didn’t feel ecstatic and glad when I was welcoming the New Year.

'Somethings had wrecked
Somethings just ended
And Some are the feelings
Which were never fended
The hurt of the heart

Which never intended
And the road of the life
Which was forever amended'

Barely having anything to speak but so much to say, I did not know what to think and if it was sane.
Probably I was still feeling the feel and holding the then held.
With the hands folded and closed eyes I thought of everything from starts to skies.
What I felt was:
“Is it me whom I am looking at? Is it actually me?
Why do I look so unlike me , why did I act so not like me, why did I behave like the unusual me……
Is it me or not me?
And the question was to be or not to be”
And so many questions but none answered.

Knowingly or unknowingly I had pledged to look beyond the dismay and welcome what is coming my way. I wowed, if it is meant to be this way then I happily greet it this way.
Life goes on and so does time.
Let me do what I need to, and rest all goes fine ;)

Monday 2 February 2009

RIght Now..

Wow! life feels good :)

Amidst all this commotion and noise i still feel a warm within... A smile has the potential to sprinkle the hearts with that pinch of happiness which is seldom realized by many. Probably there is much to do and much more remains undone, but i can still dream to do it all.

It takes very little time to loose something but very long to realize that the longing never dies. The more to try to shove it the more it shakes your life. So let it be there.
At this particular moment of the day (7.06 pm) i rest peacefully on my desk, munching on a chip which Lobha got and also looking at Vaishali clicking the pictures from her screen. It is everything but for being abnormal and still it catches my eye.

And i am wondering about the things which happened. Not knowing the reason why they did but surely amazed and amused by the fact that they did take place.
Nothing in this life goes void, probably everything what occurs is meant to ensue into something .Or that since it happened it resulted into something.

I am not very sure as to how any why the flow of life is so uncertain but as I mentioned earlier monotony appalls as well. So may be this is the way it is ought to be and this is the way it will be.
Incase anyone finds a suitable pill for this underlying and undying confusion in my life, please help me with one. Though not to sure if I would actually want to have it. But can at least rest assured rt??

Actually i am not very sure of how to pen down this feeling but it’s surely soothing in a way.

Friday 16 January 2009


What I realized about myself:

I can be only and only me. I tried hard but couldn’t be anyone but for me.
A scorpion can be patient and compassionate at times.
I can be seriously silent which is very unlikely me.
The manifestations and thought of being in love excites me more than being in love.
I am blissfully numb when in pain. Kind of lost you can say..
I can chatter n yap endlessly
I love shopping.
I love dancing
I love loving.
I can actually control my emotions at times.. yippie…..
I can go out of my way to help someone (if I want to)
PDA is amazing……………( I detested it earlier)
My friends find me pretty, however ugly i might be looking.
I am ardent people watcher.
Dark chocolates rock..
I am lucky charm for some one.( something which makes me really happy)
Jealously isn’t apparent but thoroughly existent.
I can blush..(hehe)
I can look pretty provided I want to.
I can be seriously serious and actually damn serious about something’s in life.
I can laugh and cry at the same time..(Art!)
I love text messaging.
Monotony sucks royally……………………..
I love roaming about.. Wanderlust.. ghumi ghumi..
Sad songs actually elicit pain in me.
Have not makes u feel like a have.
Feel very responsible at times.
Girl friends are the bestest…….
Breezer rocks…
I am big time fattu with regards to certain things..
Though my handwriting analysis claims that I am very broadminded, off late I have realized that I am still kind off conservative.
I love History ( may be that’s the reason I keep peeping in the past.. hehe)
Colours and water bodies are instant turn ons.
I can love people for smallest talent they might possess.
Low on talks = Low on life = Low on everything
At times I need to lose to feel like a winner ;)